A Quick Look At 3 Things You Should Know Before Bringing A Rex Rabbit Home

With thick and velvety fur, a gentle temperament, and a reputation for being some of the most intelligent rabbit breeds, the rex rabbit is an obvious choice for prospective rabbit owners. However, just as it is with any other pet, every rabbit breed has a few special things that should be considered before you decide to make it your pet and rex rabbits are no different. Before you  scoop up that loving bundle of fur with a cotton tail at the pet store, take a look at these three things you should know about the rex rabbit breed.

Rex rabbits are incredibly intelligent, which can get them in trouble.

Rabbits in general are known to be curious and smart, but the rex breed is notorious for being highly intelligent. While this personality trait makes them an ideal pet because they are easy to train and teach, this same trait can also get your pet bunny in trouble. Keeping a rex bunny in the house will mean you will have to be vigilant about rabbit-proofing things like cabinets and drawers that your bunny will figure out how to open. Likewise, foods must be kept out of sight so they don't figure out a way to get ahold of something they should not be eating, like sugary sweets and breads.

Rex rabbits can be prone to sore hocks and injured feet.

Rex rabbits have telltale physical traits that make them easily recognizable and one of these traits is smaller feet in comparison to the size of their body. This is adorable, but it also means the rabbit's feet can be injured easily because they already work harder to hold the weight of the rabbit. Because of this, rex rabbits should not be kept in cages that have only wire bottoms. Otherwise, they can develop sore hocks and other foot-related problems. Additionally, it will be important to keep the rabbit's claws trimmed so long claws do not cause problems with even weight distribution on the feet.

Rex rabbits cannot stand extreme temperatures.

Rex rabbits have thick, hearty fur, which means they can better stand the cold than the heat. However, these bunnies do not fare well in extreme temperature of hot or cold. Because of this, rex rabbits are best kept as an indoor pet or as an outdoor pet in mild climates that do not have major temperature fluctuations in the winter or summer. If you do keep your rex outdoors, make sure it has ample shade in the summer and shelter protection from cold winds and snow in the winter.

For more information, contact a company like Animal House Veterinary Hospital.
