Nervous And Excitable Pets? Ways To Calm Them Before Taking Them To The Pet Hospital

Not all pets enjoy a ride in a car. Not all pets are relaxed and happy to see the veterinarian. In fact, many pets freak out when you try to load them into a car and go to the vet. If your pet needs some surgery, and the surgery is not for an emergency situation, here are some ways you can prepare your nervous and excitable pet before the day of the surgery:

Take Your Pet for Daily Car Rides

Most pets know that if you are putting them in a car, it does not mean something good. They automatically associate rides in the car with visits to the vet, especially if you are not inclined to take them for rides elsewhere. To make the car ride easier, take your pet for a daily ride, particularly at the same time of day that he or she is scheduled for surgery. Do this about one to two weeks before the scheduled surgery date.

Give your pet a treat after every car ride is complete. This helps reinforce the fact that not all car rides are "bad," and that your pet will receive a treat for remaining calm. Even cats respond well to this preparation technique.

Reward and Praise Your Pet When He/She Rides in a Calm Manner

It may take some time, but after a few days to a week, your pet will begin to trust you and respond well to taking car rides. Reward and praise him/her well when he/she finally begins to ride calmly beside you. A single treat after each daily ride, followed by extra treats and praise for the calmest rides, is how your pet will learn best.

Wrap Small Pets in Blankets or Towels

Take the chihuahua. This is one nervous little dog, no matter what. Most chihuahua owners find that wrapping small dogs and small pets in a towel or favorite blanket and holding their pets close to their bodies provides a more soothing sensation to an already nervous animal. It also prevents being clawed to a bloody mess if your pet attempts to get away from you.

Ask the Vet for a PRN Sedative

If your pet is still very nervous and excitable, ask your vet for PRN sedative. PRN means "pro re nata," or "per required need." A PRN sedative usually consists of one to two pills you give your pet the day of surgery. The sedative helps the animal relax, but not fall asleep. By the time the vet takes your pet into the operating room at the animal hospital, your pet is as cool as a cucumber.

Contact a local pet hospital for more information and assistance. 
