Three Steps To Follow For Your Cat’s First Anti-Flea Treatment

Treating your cat regularly with anti-flea treatments can keep the blood-sucking pests at bay. However, if it's your cat's first anti-flea treatment, there are a few extra steps you should consider following. While simply applying the medication will help to reduce the amount of fleas your cat is subjected to, consider applying these steps for higher efficacy and to ensure the well-being of your cat.


Most cats can be given anti-flea treatments in the form of topical applications, flea collars, or oral medications with no problem. However, there are some cats who are more sensitive than others. Since it's your cat's first time getting an anti-flea treatment, it's a good idea to keep an eye on your kitty following the application.

If your cat seems lethargic, itchy, or develops hair loss or a rash at the application site, you should seek medical attention immediately. Your cat may be having a bad reaction to the medication or may have somehow ingested some of it. Visiting a vet will ensure that your kitty isn't harmed by its treatment.

Groom For Dirt

When fleas die, they can still leave something behind. Living fleas created something that's commonly called flea dirt. Flea dirt is actually excrement that's released after a flea bites your cat and drinks its blood. If that weren't gross enough for you, your cat can potentially get sick from consuming flea dirt when it grooms itself.

Flea dirt can make your cat feel nauseated, throw up, or it may become unwilling to groom itself because of the flea dirt. Thankfully, you can help your kitty out with this easily.

Using a flea comb, you can simply groom your cat until you don't find any more black or brown specks coming up on the comb. If you don't have a flea comb, a damp washcloth rubbed over your cat's body can help to remove some of the dirt.

Check for Parasites

Lastly, you may want to keep an eye on your cat's litter box for a while after they get their treatment. If they had fleas prior to being treated, there's a chance that they may have intestinal worms.

Fleas sometimes carry tapeworm larvae in their bodies. When a cat eats a flea while grooming itself, this larvae is ingested and hatches within the intestines. If you spot tapeworm larvae in your cat's fecal matter, get to a vet right away. Tapeworms can cause serious gastrointestinal distress in cats and leave them feeling sick.

Fleas can be permanently controlled by applying anti-flea treatments to your cat on a regular basis going forward. With these tips, you'll ensure that your cat doesn't have any complications following its treatment and that the fleas don't leave behind anything that could cause your cat further problems down the line.

To learn more about preventative pet treatments, visit Kenmore Veterinary Hospital
